
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Volksmusik fur People Who Hate It.

 There is a trend of Classical Music CDs that say Classical Music or Oprea for People Who Hate It. Well, why can't the same be fur Volksmusik? Not all Germans or German Americans love Volksmusik and all its different genres; one time I was on YouTube pleading to VlogDave and GetGermanized to do language analysis on Volksmusik from different German and Austrian cultures. Dave's response was, "Yuck! Volksmusik!" and Dominic just laughed. However, Good Mythical Morning did a great video on jodeln and I'd wish they also did one on different kinds of Volksmusik.

  Volksmusik fur People Who Hate It

Monday, March 1, 2021

How the Swiss Celebrate Spring and Dangerous Dwarfs.


Hint: Do you want to burn a snowman...

     Unlike most people, I hate Olaf from Frozen, and if I did try to burn a snowman people would think I was a loopy person. However, in Switzerland and Austria, they have a whole tradition of burning and blowing up this monstrosity by Disney in a celebration on the third of April called Sechselauten which means the ringing of the bells at six-o-clock. It all starts right in the town square of Zurich where after a parade they burn a snowman made out of straw barrels, sticks, and dress him up to the nines and call him the Boogg which is short for boogyman. Superstition says that the quicker the Boogg burns the faster spring will come. 

This means Switzerland is a great place to hate Frozen; however the German's, Austrian's, and Swiss do have a universal hatred of Disney. This is because in Germany they have laws on over-marketing to children, one German psychologist of the Frankfurt am Main school of psychology called Walt Disney the devil. German's were inventors of the first garden gnome which is not a gnome but a dwarf or group of dwarfs called Kobalts who work alongside humans if you are nice to them. 


The reason why their hats are red is that they not only help humans but also fought alongside them dyeing their hats red with the blood of their victims. Even my Oma and Opa's village of Utzing has dwarf folklore; tourists like to visit a cave that according to the village lore the dwarfs lived in and tried to mine in with no luck at all just dirt until the people of the village came and were appalled by their condition. So they cleaned them all up and gave them jobs in the village and some say the cave now has invisible treasures that only dwarfs can see but we cannot. This is because like in the Orignal Grimms tales and now even in Tolkien's books dwarfs have magic and craft magic; this dates back to Norse mythos where dwarfs made things like...

  • Skidblaner: A ship for the gods that favored a good wind and fit into your pocket 
  • Gullinbrusti: A golden florescent boar that could run faster than any horse
  • Daupnir: A ring that could multiply its's self
  • Thor's Hammer
  • Odin's Spear
  • and Hair for Siff because of a bad prank by Loki...


It's nothing like the Marvel Version that we all know and love, which is now owned by Disney along with Star Wars...and Disney's Snow White is nothing like the original Grimms Version. Where the Queen not only wants to eat her heart but her liver

Also in the Grimms version, Sneewittchen gets poisoned three times and is very cautious about the poisoned apple to the point of cutting the apple to see what is inside and then eats it. Also, the prince only comes to her grave while on a hunting trip which means...he's drunk and plans to steal from the dwarfs until he realizes he's crashing a funeral. However, it's no kiss that wakes her up but a Heimlich maneuver from one of his servants who got tired of carrying a coffin. Then once she's finally saved by her prince...they have a surprise for the queen on their wedding day and it's not a red blender or a fruitcake. It's a red hot pair of iron shoes straight from the furnace for her to wear; a gift she will die for and die from

Friday, January 29, 2021

When is it Right to say Gemulichkite?

 "Hallo, Gemulichkite!"

    One time while reading an issue of German Life about the legacy of German-Americans and their strong perseverance and struggle to keep their cultural expression alive; there was one word I spotted that was very new to me. It's a word that only we both Richendeuch and Bauerdeuch say but those other people (non-German Americans) are not allowed to say, and it's no different than a white person dressing up as a Native American in full Cheif regalia, or not asking to wear lederhosen or a dirndl at a gathering or wedding. To us, it just means friendship, well-being, or another way to say, Prost, Servus, Gerzi, or Danke Schon! That word is Gemulichkite... When non-Richendeutch or Bauerdeuch people use this word it is not in a positive light like we want it to mean; when I hear this word uttered by regular non-immigrant Americans this is what I picture...

"Should wei ban the toys in the dungeon heir Bergermister?"

Some German-Americans use Gemulichkite in advertising for Beirhausen or Restaurants without knowing its passive-aggressive history and association with the charactures of Kiser William, Otto von Bismark, Adolf Hitler (a real xenophobe like Trump who also wrote a best-selling book), and characters Burgermeister Misterberger who bans all the toys from the town (except the ones that make him tickle...). 

What many people don't realize is that Otto warned Archduke Ferdian of Austria about going into an open car and parading it around a poor village would lead to both his death and a World War, and told him his safest bet was to cancel if he wanted to stay alive. Advice that he did not listen to because he got a rich motor car to show off how wealthy he was which is a big mistake and lead to his assassination and the rest you know in your AP World History 101. He was not only a general but also a man who helped modernize and elevate Germany into a socialistic democracy that put cleanliness in industry, food, drink, and in the streets in high regard, was against child labor, and used mothers and children as positive messages in political art. 

Many of the negative portals of Otto and Willam come from French propaganda and the American Eugenics Movement a.k.a Prohibition. Germany was way ahead of human health than America during its Industrial Revolution; many German ideas also lead the Progressive Movement in the United States. One German-American Henry Heinz was the first to put electric lights in his factory and invented the assembly line way before Henry Ford (also a xenophobe). Also, a German-American cartoonist named Thomas Nast is the one credited with introducing Santa Claus and also used him as an Abolitionist symbol giving gifts and supporting Union soldiers during the Civil War; making Ulysses. S. Grant who also met Otto von Bismark declare Christmas a national holiday.

Teddy Roosevelt who practiced temperance (not drinking), defended and even supported German-American unions and businesses. At one point he tried his best to learn German and remarked about our drinking songs as glorious even though he could not understand what we were singing (maybe Doc should travel back in time and give him Google Translate). 

We have many drinking songs of pride, joy, and fun; one I like to play on my tuba Hubert is Im Muchichen Steht ein Hoffbrauhaus but one song that people are familiar with that refects when you should say Gemulichkite is the song Ein Prosit. The song is sung before drinking beir or any hard liquor in hopes that you and others drinking is blessed or does not die which is why in Bavaria there is the saying, "Hopp und Maltz, Gott mitt talz!" which means God Bless my Hopps and Maltz, two ingredients in German beir (it's also a motto for a wing of the Bavarian government that inspects beir for impurities...). The song has its origin in the Saxony region of Germany written by Benard Deitrich and is the only piece of his work to survive for a long time; only to be popularized by a Bavarian band leader and landlord Georg Lang who sung and introduced the song with a large orchestra in 1898 in a beir tent, how do you fit an orchestra into a tent, wei don't know how he did it? But he did and now it's ritual to sing the song before drinking.

Ein Prosit, ein Prosit!
Der Gemütlichkeit!
Ein Prosit, ein Prosit!
Der Gemütlichkeit!